Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day!

I found the tool on the blogspot dashboard that shows you where your pageviews are coming from, which is both slightly creepy and wonderfully awesome. I say awesome because I then learned that this blog has been viewed at least twice by people in India, Poland, Germany, and Australia. WORLDWIDE, BABY! Granted, that's probably all from other people doing image searches on some the of the pictures I used in the New Year's post, but hey! That still counts as WORLDWIDE VIEWAGE, BABY!!!

Alright. Celebrations aside, today is technically the all hallowed holiday of chocolate and roses erroneously named after St. Valentine. So here is your obligatory heart:
romantic organ, ain't it?

Somewhere down the line we went from that, to this:

which is infinitely more marketable.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had a couple of other awesome things to include this week, but they deserve more time than I can afford this weekend, and you probably have romantic plans to attend to anyway, so hop to it! I'll be back next week for some actual average nerdiness.

*while really tired, reading out a description from some personality test*
Mandi: It also says that you tend towards really flamboyant....
Dayna: Wait...I'M GAY????


  1. Happy unrealistic but infinitely more marketable heart day!! And I totally understand the thrill that comes with the knowledge that people in other countries have stumbled onto your blog :D

  2. I think the liver is the most romantic organ in the body. It's not as unseemly, and it helps you process booze. If that doesn't say I love you, I don't know what does.

  3. True, the liver does serve a very thankless job. More so than the kidneys, I think, which are similar, but you have two of them and could technically survive with one (as long as it's fully functioning); they're like their own backup plan, which isn't particularly romantic.
