Sunday, February 20, 2011

Common Ailments of the Average Student (and suggested remedies)

Recreational Insomnia (to be fair, this one was coined by Megan, but I have since thoroughly adopted it).
Symptoms and manifestations: The Recreational Insomniacs may find themselves, as the name suggests, unable to sleep for fear of missing fun. When school requires a sizable chunk of your life, sleep becomes less important than time with friends. The typical symptoms of insomnia (including but not limited to heightened looniness, decreased stability, and increased spontaneity) often become a desirable side effect, resulting in the insomniac being deemed as "more fun," much like being in a state of inebriation. Eventually, not sleeping becomes habit, and the insomniac will be unable to sleep regardless of the circumstances.

Suggested Remedies: Invest in Kevlar, high tech weapons, a loyal domestic servant, a sweet ride, and hire Hans Zimmer to compose a personal theme song for you, following the obvious course of action once said investments have been made. 

Spotlight Mind-blanking Syndrome
Symptoms and Manifestations: This is the effect one experiences when placed in the center of attention with a particular message to convey. The sufferer may prepare exhaustively before the presentation in question, only to instantly forget simple concepts once all attention has been focused onto him or her. Some symptoms include: nausea, sweating, uncontrolled gag reflexes, total memory loss, and verbal incoherency. 

Suggested Remedies: 
-Imbibe copious amounts of alcohol immediately before the dreaded event. (Youtube insists that no version of this clip be embedded, else it would already be here for your convenience)
-Clone yourself, sending said clone to do all the dirty work involved in presentations. *WARNING* Chances of clone retaliation are high. Also, the clone is highly likely to have the same conditions as the host.

Chronic Public Incoherency: 
Symptoms and Manifestations: This disorder is frequently and erroneously associated with Spotlight Mind-blanking Syndrome. The sufferer of this particular disorder is fully aware of what information needs to be presented (thus, there is no memory loss involved), yet is unable to communicate with the audience. The resulting frustration often manifests as gibberish, a regression back to a native language if in a foreign environment, or the frequent misspoken word. 

Suggested Remedies: The same alcohol solution for Spotlight Mind-blanking Syndrome can apply here, provided that the sufferer is careful not to reach the point of slurred speech. Otherwise, the sufferer can sacrifice entertainment in order to focus on being understandable. This often has the affect of ensuring that the audience isn't paying attention anyway. 

Quantum Performance Effect
Symptoms and Manifestations: This is less of a disorder, and more of a natural phenomenon that occurs when an individual's performance suddenly increases when being observed by an authority. The name is derived by a common notion in quantum mechanics, stating that a particle's behavior will change due to the influence of observation. In much the same way, a sub-par teacher or employee may suddenly acquire skills and discipline that were previously nonexistent, merely because of the addition of a third-party observer. The observer must, however, carry with him the threat of unemployment, or else the phenomenon does not occur.
This phenomenon extends beyond work performance, as can be seen here

Suggested Remedies: You can't remedy a phenomenon. Third party observers with no authority may acquire entertainment at the Quantum Performer's expense by periodically declaring that the boss has suddenly arrived. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day!

I found the tool on the blogspot dashboard that shows you where your pageviews are coming from, which is both slightly creepy and wonderfully awesome. I say awesome because I then learned that this blog has been viewed at least twice by people in India, Poland, Germany, and Australia. WORLDWIDE, BABY! Granted, that's probably all from other people doing image searches on some the of the pictures I used in the New Year's post, but hey! That still counts as WORLDWIDE VIEWAGE, BABY!!!

Alright. Celebrations aside, today is technically the all hallowed holiday of chocolate and roses erroneously named after St. Valentine. So here is your obligatory heart:
romantic organ, ain't it?

Somewhere down the line we went from that, to this:

which is infinitely more marketable.

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had a couple of other awesome things to include this week, but they deserve more time than I can afford this weekend, and you probably have romantic plans to attend to anyway, so hop to it! I'll be back next week for some actual average nerdiness.

*while really tired, reading out a description from some personality test*
Mandi: It also says that you tend towards really flamboyant....
Dayna: Wait...I'M GAY????

Sunday, February 6, 2011

You'll either like this alot, or you'll feel kinda whelmed

Happy Superbowl! Or, more specifically, Happy Superbowl commercials! Here's hoping for some good ones this year, as I felt last year's were a little disappointing. And yeah, that's officially all I care about that. Moving on!

So there's this blog I was just introduced to. It's called Hyperbole and a Half, and it's pretty much one of the best things I've ever seen. I particularly suggest checking out this post about spiders and how evil they are, or the one about the Alot. And then you will understand. Or you won't, but I bet you'll be entertained! (and yeah, the title typo was on purpose, which you now realize and feel dumb for thinking I was dumb. Psh.)

[insert clever transition from blogs to DC cartoons here]

I have a bit of a confession to make. At one point in the last two years or whatever, Cartoon Network had this show, Batman: The Brave and the Bold. I didn't watch it then, but now I am...and I kinda like it. If you haven't seen or heard of it, it's pretty much Batman adventures that always involve at least one other Justice League member. I know, I know, he's supposed to be broody and work alone unless he has a Boy Wonder around, but he's still part of the League, right? It's totally campy, but like a throwback to the old school Adam West era, when punches still sounded like "BIFF," "BAM," and "POW," and all significant actions were accompanied with a trumpet blast.

Yeah! Except animated, and therefore acceptable!

Granted, I'm not very far into the series at all, so the constant inner monologue-journal Bats gives us may easily get quite old. And I already can only take the campyness in small doses, but it still makes me smile sometimes.

On the flip side, Cartoon Network currently has this new cartoon going on called Young Justice, and so far I kind of love it. Basically it's about the mini-Justice League, made up of the various sidekicks: Robin (the first one!), Kid Flash (you know, the one before Impulse? Which must be why Impulse thought of a better name?), Aqualad (but not the one you're thinking), Miss Martian, Speedy, and Superboy (yeah, not Supergirl, but this conveniently created clone...whatever, he still does Superman stuff). It's not Gardner Fox's creation, and therefore doesn't have the same kind of "you can take me seriously" tone as the Justice League animated series, but neither is it campy. Since it's about the kids, it's ok for it to be a little lighter. Don't worry, though, there are still plenty of issues to go around, like all of them struggling to get out from their mentor's shadows, Robin's inability to be a leader, Speedy's inability listen to authority, and Superman's inability to handle the weird paternal responsibility he now has for this surprise clone.

Also, it's a different kind of clever at times. Like the fact that some of the sidekick names really just suck (or make no sense) and people are aware of it. And I'm loving the running joke going on with Robin and his issues with abbreviations.

I now look for situations wherein I can describe myself as "whelmed"

By the way, Robin is Jesse McCartney. Yep. Lucky for me I only learned that after I was hooked, otherwise I may have boycotted the show on principle. But I have to give it to the kid, he doesn't do a terrible job of it. Especially not when he unleashes his creepy laugh, which is sufficiently creepy enough to almost make me reevaluate my opinion on the potential of such teenie-bopper pop stars. Almost. I'd offer a clip, but I guess it hasn't been on the air long enough (and/or Warner Bros is a mad copyright stickler) to have any yet. So you'll just have to take my word for it. Or watch it.

Otherwise, tune in next time for some more average nerdiness, and maybe a puppy if you're good!

Robin: "If 'dislike' is the opposite of 'like,' shouldn't 'disaster' be the opposite of 'aster'? So then, this mission will be a complete aster!"